it to say that I find this article offputting and even a bit pathetic, in that
it takes a poke not at people who voted for Trump because they support his
racist rhetoric, not at those who voted for him in spite of that, and not even
at those who did not vote at all — but rather at those who took a stand against
him because the author does not approve of the way they are processing their
own grief and fear.
Yes, I
was shocked and upset that Trump won this election, because I fought like hell
to the extent that I could to keep that from happening, through personal
interactions, attendance at political events, posts on social media, and articles
on websites and in the local newspaper. As a resident of rural Texas, my
political and social views are in the minority where I live, and I have
publicly spoken out against Trump in a local city where white supremacist
events are now being organized. My supposed “white privilege” is probably not
worth as much to me in this environment as Courtney Parker West would like to
imagine. And if something happens to one of my biracial daughters or
grandchildren, or one or the many people I care about deeply who are members of
minority groups, should I still feel “privileged”? And will that then be
something I am allowed to express feelings about, or will West still want me to
keep quiet simply because of the color of my skin?
being both white and surprised that Trump won, even though I did everything in
my limited power to keep that from happening, makes me the villain of West's unpleasant
little narrative. I can only wonder if West is going to follow up with articles
on large groups of minorities who stayed home on election day and did not vote
at all, or on the DNC, which undermined the candidate the majority of Democratic
voters wanted. It would seem to me that their indifference and malignance,
respectively, are far more relevant than my after-the-fact surprise at the
results of the election.
On the
day of the election — when I thought Hillary Clinton was going to win but
before the results were known so that it would not look like I was trying to
curry favor with either side — I posted on Facebook that I have never
unfriended someone merely because of their political views. I was thus
interested to learn that, according to the meme West included with her article,
that this makes me a “douche.” I have, in fact, unfriended plenty of people who
have used racist epithets or advocated violence, just not ones who have simply
stated a specific political preference or candidate, and I have been unfriended
by plenty of less-tolerant rightwing friends and relatives. As soon as I
unfriend large numbers of people who have opposing viewpoints, however, I lose
any kind of platform for influencing them. If West thinks a verbal circle jerk
where only talking to people with similar points of view is productive then I
will direct her to the results of the most recent election.
as an aside, I don’t know if I’m “woke” or not, because I’m 50 and therefore not
accountable for learning new slang. I will note, however, that one of the
organizations I have always admired most in my capacity as a writer is the
Black Panthers, because they traditionally made a point of producing materials
only in standard written English (i.e., in the 1960s and '70s), so that everyone would be able to quickly and
easily understand their message.
it to say that I have found this article to be divisive, unproductive, and hurtful
and that it has made me a little sad and angry. And now, I am going to soldier
on, because the world is full of douches and dumb jerks who look like me — and
also ones who look like Courtney Parker West, it turns out — and we have got
more work to do than ever before.
This is the picture that appears with West's article.